Monday, January 5, 2009

Shoveling, Shoveling and more Shoveling

I have shoveled at least 3 LARGE houses and 2 FULL size driveways and boy let me tell you it is tiring. You'll never guess what I got for a reward...... a cookie. It was rather good though! Well we broke 2 shovels and almost my leg because, I fell off the roof 3 times. I also accidentally let go of my shovel 6...7...8... to many times. On the bright side we threw A BIG sledding party on Saturday with at least 70 people there. I couldn't sledding to much because, of shoveling but I went down on my snowboard any ways.


  1. Goodness...I'm so happy you didn't break your leg! Sounds like the sledding party was a blast!

  2. Wow!!! You worked hard!!!! Glad there was no broken leg! It is amazing how much work this beautiful snow is.
