Monday, December 29, 2008

My family and me

Here are some pictures of
my family my Uncles, Cousins,
Sister and Me!!!
Sneaking Raptor in the dinosaur park

Fear Me!! I'm Hungry.

Super Hero To The Rescue With My
SUPER Jet-pack (A.K.A Car Seat)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I can't believe it's Christmas! The time is finally here! I also can't believe Alex is coming back! I CAN already taste the Pumpkin Pie and Vanilla Ice Cream running down my throught (and it is very good)! My Mom is going crazy about Christmas, it smells like Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire! I Think Jack Frost Is Nipping At My Nose! My Aunt Jenny lives in Cali and she's up here for the Holiday (Christmas) and she was singing Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow ALL the way here! (She Sure Did Get It..... A whole 2 feet of it). I think I'm Rodolph The Red Nose Reindeer because of me blowing my nose so much and because of my Aunt Jenny's Song.

(P.S My Nose Really Hrts)

(P.S.S It Really Really Hrts)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Whats For Dinner

Tell us What you having for dinner and please leave the date in the comments. I am having chicken and potatoes. What ever your having sounds delicious.


Today is a snow day and I'm loving it. When I went outside I made a few snowman, went sledding and all the other fun activities. Also my cousins are here from California, I'm having so much fun with my baby cousin Ava and my Aunt Jennie. My Dad is snow plowing Three HUGE hills that I was falling down. In the meantime my Aunt Jennie and my sister Haley were playing with Ava. When I came In Ava was sleeping and Aunt Jennie and Haley were playing The Memory game. After that game I played Hi-Ho-Cherry-O with them. Now were having Grilled Cheese Sandwitchise and soup for lunch.YUM-YUM!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Hello today I woke up and had breakfast thinking it was a brand new day. I road the bus and went to school [with my Homework]. Had a busy day, like always. We also sent a video to Alex in Malaysia saying we wish you a Merry Christmas. Oh yeah, I lost my tooth while I was eating Nachos and poring milk. Now I mam tired and going to bed!!!