Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July

It's here firework time!!!!!!! What are you doing for 4Th. My dad is lucky, he's in Shreveport Louisiana. He gets to watch fireworks in downtown Shreveport. theI'm going to a Friends house by lake, the Friends that were going to spent over $1,700.00 on fireworks.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

We beat them!!!!!!!

On Monday, June, 8 I had a baseball game. We are Oldies but Goodies 5,8,we played McKINSTRY 14,0 who hasn't lost a game in 2 years. That all changed in the 1st game of playoffs, we beat them by one point 13 to 14. So there out of the playoffs. Last game they beat us in regular season. Now their 14,1 ,were 6,8 and still in the playoffs.

Saturday, March 7, 2009


On Saturday the 28 Alex Neder, Cory Wagner, Cassidy Hilabrandt, Dallas Dewy, Emma & Ellie Davis, and I jumped in the water of Medical Lake. We also won some prizes they were 1. best team costume 2. highest fundraising school (Hallett Elm. at $ 2,334.oo). I a lone got a prize for highest fundraising youth at 1,078. IT WAS THE COLDEST WATER EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I'm Goining To Schwietzer Mt.!!!!

I just found out that I'm going to Schwietzer (Mnt. in Idaho)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm Really glad I got that Snowboard for Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I'm going to Swietzer on Sunday afternoon (because the lifting tickets are $40 cheaper). I CAN'T WAIT TO GO WITH MY DAD TO SWIETZER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Shoveling, Shoveling and more Shoveling

I have shoveled at least 3 LARGE houses and 2 FULL size driveways and boy let me tell you it is tiring. You'll never guess what I got for a reward...... a cookie. It was rather good though! Well we broke 2 shovels and almost my leg because, I fell off the roof 3 times. I also accidentally let go of my shovel 6...7...8... to many times. On the bright side we threw A BIG sledding party on Saturday with at least 70 people there. I couldn't sledding to much because, of shoveling but I went down on my snowboard any ways.